Medical Injury

Long wait for justice in one of Britain’s worst health scandals – POLITICO

But he defended his government’s record, saying it had handed out six-figure interim compensation payments to some 4,500 people and continued to fund the inquiry. 

He said clarity on the scope and generosity of the full compensation scheme would be set out only once the inquiry’s final report had landed and been digested by his administration.

Sunak was heckled as he sought to answer a flurry of questions on his administration’s response | Pool photo by Henry Nicholls via Getty Images

“As is entirely normal and precedented, government will wait for the conclusion of an inquiry’s findings so it has the full context and understanding of everything that is relevant to the situation before making final decisions,” Sunak said.

He also rejected claims that his government is stalling for time, pointing to meetings between top ministers and campaign groups, and insisted his administration is laying the groundwork for a payment scheme.

Left hanging

“People can [get] a sense of the breadth and intensity of the work that is happening in government that, as far as I can tell, was not there in the past,” he said. “I think that should give people some reassurance that there’s a desire to see this through.”

A government-commissioned report last year by the lawyer Robert Francis theorized that compensation could end up at anywhere from £50,000 for a mild disease to £315,000 for co-infection with two severe diseases. But it stressed this was only an “illustration” — and neither the inquiry nor the government is using those figures.

For victims, the wait goes on. Hamilton had a clear message for Sunak on Wednesday: “Tell us what the timeline is, and when he expects it to be dealt with.” That should, he said, include action when the government’s new legislative program is unveiled this fall. 

Scott added: “It feels that they are trying to ensure they don’t have to deal with it, and it is forced on the next government post election — because it’s going to be very expensive.”

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